The power of being underestimated is abundant and free

Book cover design voting request
The power of being underestimated is available to everyone (photo: PDG Facebook page)


The power of being underestimated is available to everyone.

It is also abundant and free.

But it’s power isn’t available until the victim-mentality is shed forever.

You are the CEO of You, Inc.

Heck yeah it’s challenging to break free.

But it’s not impossible.

Permission to break free only comes from the one feeling underestimated.

We know this.

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What happens when we are intentional where the Herd is unintentional?

jungle jeff older blog post with clear vision
Clear, concise, compelling? Not for everyone.


Never get bored with the basics. You know, complicated stuff like common sense.

When you do the common things in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world. – George Washington Carver

When we are intentional where the Herd is unintentional or completely oblivious, we pique the worlds attention.


But it happens.

It’s happening here.

And it’s seems like it’s taking forever, but in reality, the seed is only breaking the soil’s surface.

Insight: Patience is strength.

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Looks good on paper but really, who’s got time?

Wishful thinking
Interesting photo pulled from FB but cannot recall the originator (wishful thinking?)


When we are overwhelmed (probably daily) with things to do and think about, it’s often best to pause.

To regroup.

To think.

To take stock.

To reprioritize.

To plan.

To unpause and take action.

Better action than before the pause.

But our work is our mistress.

Who’s got time?

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What is a leader’s daily responsibility?

Three Orange County Florida Flags blowing in the wind
To whom are you loyal and why?


To whom are you loyal and why?

Many organizations lose good employees, not because the company is questionable, but because a particular leader is.

Leadership is the silver bullet.

Similar to parenting.

A daily obligation to make people feel something.

Inspiration is the main job of leadership.

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