Why can’t we see the forest for the trees?

sand drawing for Mid Life Celebration
Lower right hand quadrant of Mid Life Celebration’s logo is a $ sign


Challenging to see this dollar sign drawn in the sand. Life is like that. Until we step back a little bit and look at the bigger picture…

Click through to see what this looks like at the… Next Blog


Moments we catch ourselves thinking negatively about someone

big drainage pipes in Orlando site
Obvious. Important. Then buried. Invisible to everyone but ourselves.


Our greatest opportunities for self improvement are those moments when we catch ourselves thinking negatively about someone.

It’s a weird (cruel?) reality.

What we dislike in another, is almost assuredly a blind spot within ourselves.

The revealing of our blind spot(s) should be joyful.

Because now we know.

And we can train ourselves to change and become better.

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What makes us smile about accomplishing something like this?

Reams Road construction near Disney World Cast Entrance
Obscure photo (not to the neighbors) taken on a run near Disney’s North Cast entrance.


What makes us smile because we’ve worked hard our whole life to reach a certain point in our life?

And does anyone know?

Does anyone even care?

In the big picture, it doesn’t matter.

Because we do it for ourselves and the things it allows us to do for others.

Heading to Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park today. And tomorrow.

Shoot, can go there seven days a week if desired.

Talk about miracles, no?

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