The easiest way to become unpopular

What makes your cakes special?

cake shop

The easiest way to become unpopular? Be brave. Be foolish. Or ask a simple question that demands a ready, clear, concise answer. Most will avoid the first two.

Dear Son, at 53, your Dad is still trying to remember not to do the third one.

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Insight: Publicly catching people off guard does not win them over.

Where do you go to get leadership inspiration?

Find a millions ways to be inspired…

Leadership inspiration

The real job of leadership in inspiration…

WTC 911

Where do you go to get leadership inspiration? Meaning, how far do you have to look before inspiration surrounds you? It shouldn’t be very far. Yet most people don’t feel their leader inspires them to do great work.

With all due respect to the leaders, they are very busy these days. Try cutting them a little slack.

Insight: Leaders, are you cutting your employees some slack? Then don’t expect it from them either. Ouch. Go, everyone, go! Be amazing today!

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Who are you in 100 words or less?

Bet you can’t do it (he thought to himself) (how hard could it be?)…


Who are you in 100 words or less? Are you brave enough to write something outrageously interesting that would make others want to click your way?

A book on Age Potential is being published soon. Decent chance Mid Life Celebration, LLC will get a mention. Was asked to write a 100-word or less bio. Way harder than it seemed…

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