You control the next step

Disney Keynote Speaker name tag
The Walt Disney Legacy Award is given to Disney Cast Members who demonstrate a lifetime of Dreaming, Creating, Inspiring. The name tag says it all. Jeff shares this Disney DNA in every Keynote speech.

You control the next step.

When you can habitually, culturally, think deeper, reach higher, care more, and work harder, your next decision is instinctively easy and accurate.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Remind both parties

woman sitting on mountain
From car overlooks to this. The vision grew over time. We are the only ones on the mountain pass. It is late September. We are deep in the wild, with zero other human contact.

Remind both CEOs of the future you clearly see that’s not only better than now, but much better than now.

Don’t show laborers piles of lumber and the tools they need to build a ship. Describe a distant shore that’s not only better than here, but much better than here.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Things you are supposed to do

image of tell the truth
Photo was randomly discovered while searching from 75k photos on iPhone camera roll. It’s the perfect image for today’s subconscious thesis.

Things you are supposed to do:

  1. Start a blog.
  2. Have a sales funnel.
  3. Have an email collection strategy.
  4. Have a You Tube channel.
  5. Allow and promote social sharing (“Like & Subscribe”).
  6. Create a mastermind group(s).
  7. Reply to LinkedIn (LI) comments.
  8. Leave comments on LI thought-leader updates (to look smart/be seen).
  9. Encourage (game) follower engagement with questions and polls.
  10. Follow the tried and true paths the gurus show you.
  11. Be great at sales hype and hustle.
  12. Compete on price.

One out of 12 ain’t bad.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Odds are way too low

Jeff Noel business matrix
Common sense without action is unprofessional.
Walt Disney Quote on a door
What if only 25% of our Cast Members stayed after their first year? What if 75% stayed after the first year? What if 25% of paying Guests rated their Disney experience as excellent?

Odds are low. Only a 25% chance to exceed expectations.

You wouldn’t go on a cruise if there was only a 25% chance the boat would not sink.

You would not get married if there was only a 25% chance you’d live happily ever after.

Why would anyone do business with you if there’s only a 25% chance it’s gonna feel good, decent, and right?

Imagine if there was a 100% chance you would be inspired, excited, and motivated? And this 100% carried on after the honeymoon, and lasted for a lifetime?

What if?

Why not?

Figure it out. You are the CEO.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

A positive

Fantasia Mickey Mouse toy in front of giant screen
Columbia, South America. 2018 or 19.

A positive.

A positive worker is one who doesn’t try to meet expectations, or even occasionally exceed exceptions.

A positive worker is one who seeks to continuously exceed expectations.

With others.

With self.

All day.

Every day.

Year after year.

The road to excellence has no finish line.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.