A Conservative Approach Is Customary For Large, Well-Estabished Institutions

It's a social media jungle out there, potentially breathtaking & dangerous on the same day

Organizations with the best reputations and greatest public trust have the most to lose if their social media isn’t specifically and clearly laid out. And even three years later, the social media learning curve is still a curve. The original corporate social media policies laid out broad, general, use-good-judgement verbiage. So much of the Internet landscape was, and still is, a relatively wild frontier.

PS. This is post 4,999, to read post 5,000 please click Blog

Corporate Social Media Policy Had Not Yet Been Invented On A Large Scale

The Power Of A Many Brands Is Based On The Reputation Of It's People

Three years ago, did your organization have an official corporate social media policy? Doubtful. Today? Sure. Industry has mostly caught up with what has been street knowledge for years – social media is invaluable in communicating a brand.

A brand is the first thing someone thinks of when they hear your name. Brands are not always positive. Some brands are so positive, they are the definitive leader: Disney, Apple, Google, Starbucks, ESPN.

Next Blog

If You Don’t

Five Blogs All Interrelated
Four Other Blogs, All Interrelated

If you don’t visit jeffnoel.com, you might want to consider it. The past few days there have been particularly focused on career, which really belong here at jungle jeff.

In case you’ve ever wondered, of the five daily blogs I write, Mid Life Celebration is the most popular with jungle jeff and jeffnoel.com trading places for second.

Lane 8 and jeffnoel.org are the two, understandably, that follow the top three. Physical responsibility and spiritual responsibility seem to get the least focus in real life too.

(next blog)

What If David & Goliath

Infinite Combinations of Nothing Is Impossible
Infinite Combinations of Nothing Is Impossible

What if they had teamed up instead of battling?

Picture Seth Godin and jeff noel collaborating on a book.

Picture Mark Victor Hansen and jeff noel collaborating.

Picture the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America and jeff noel collaborating.

Or, the Pope….

Your expectations are not high enough.

Today’s post at this blog illustrates this concept.

But before you go to Lane 8, let me ask you, what do you picture yourself doing?

(next blog)