Irrefutable career control

Post-it note with handwritten notes on it
Dude, lower right corner. This is what the CEO (writing the check) said.

A nine-year client recently said, “Just your presence is what we need”.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

The power of education

Apple calculator screen shot
Recently was asked how many words i’ve written while prolifically blogging for 11 consecutive years. At a conservative estimate of 100 words per post, over 2-million words.

Want to feel strong?

Try the power of education.


Educate yourself.

If necessary, take classes.

Otherwise, observe, listen, read, teach, dream, and, write like you mean it.

Tend to your personal vibrancy.

Your mind is one-fifth of the balance equation.

Educate yourself in a balanced way.

And never take your confidence, gratitude, and servitude for granted.

To be confident and grateful, yet not serve others by teaching them through your example – this is true slavery.

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Leading yourself?

Granite Park Chalet
To sleep here 15 days in a Summer of 90 days is absurdly over-focused. No electricity, no running water, no heat (nights in 40’s), no wifi, spotty cell signal, pit toilet.

Leading yourself?

If you’ve been habitually over-focused on your personal and professional development, you are not panicked right now.


Because the chaos the world is experiencing is normal for you.

You are always experiencing things that are uncertain, taking risks others could take, but never do.

You have already lived with deep fear and even deeper doubt. You’ve failed, learned, and improved. Over and over.

It’s part of your DNA – being comfortable being uncomfortable.

When you quit your job to start your business, you made do with limited resources, uncertain conditions and outcomes, as well as the psychological trauma of probably losing it all. Odds overwhelming do not favor startups.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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Act as if

Speaker sizzle videos are on the way.

Act as if.

As if what?

Act as if you already have what you desire.

You can’t or you won’t?

Personal leadership 101:

Envision a future that’s not only better than now, but much better.

In this case, it’s not your company’s future, it’s your personal future.

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Personal leadership as CEO of You, Inc

The juxtaposition between Glacier and Sanibel is remarkable.

Same planet.

Same Country.

Remarkably different landscapes.

Same with Family members.

Same blood.

Remarkably different personalities.

Some are inspiring.

Some illicit fear from unpredictability.

As CEO of You, Inc, always bring the best version of yourself to every encounter.

May the Universe send you everything good your way this holiday season.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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