Leadership’s obligation regarding social media

embracing change
the social media ship has set sail, even if it doesn’t look like a ship (photo: Jamie Scott)


Leadership’s obligation regarding social media?

Embrace it.

In three weeks, WordPress is releasing it’s second major update for 2012 – WordPress 3.5.

Great leaders look ahead. The customer is embracing social media. That’s the main reason to love it, because you love your customers.

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Note: So here we are , roughly three months after WordPress’s latest efforts to make it easy to use and embrace. Some are ecstatic, some relatively unimpressed. Of course.

Rather Than Steal

Indiana State Capital building ceiling, 2010…

What’s amazing, is how an idea can spread virually. Seth Godin coined the phrase, and wrote the transformational book, Unleashing The Ideavirus.

So rather than steal, could you unleash an idea that would spread virually across the Internet through social media marketing?


But will you?

You can watch this unfold here – real life in real time. Got passion? Ask me anything.

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