Monty Python Creativity

Disney keynote speaker quote
‘Tis true.

The road to excellence has no finish line.


John Cleese, a comedic genius on Monty Python gave a 1991 speech on how to be more creative. It’s 36 minutes and is here.

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Island time

9-second video: Catch a fire.

Catch a fire.

Bob Marley

Yeah mon, welcome to Jamaica.

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i love this place

Disney Keynote Speaker Jeff Noel
Every Cast Member learns on Day One the supreme goal of all customer interactions. And then we talk about the bullseye every day for the rest of their Disney career. Disney is not even remotely interested in hitting the target. The bullseye is the only goal.

i love this place. i love this moment.


Every Cast Member learns on Day One the supreme goal of all customer interactions. And then we talk about the bullseye every day for the rest of their Disney career. Disney is not even remotely interested in hitting the target. The bullseye is the only goal.

Note: During my Disney career from 1982-2014, never once called a Guest a customer. Using customer in this post to speak the language of ‘outsiders’, the unindoctrinated.

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American opportunity

Jeff Noel’s home office bookshelf
The holy grail according to me. Never apologize for sounding like a broken record. It’s called a passionate vision.
Repetition is the mother of all learning. Maybe science can prove it. Bottomline, i need no proof except the proof of my life.

Repetition is the mother of all learning.


Had a science teacher in 10th grade (my school district’s high school was 10th thru 12th). Freshmen were considered “Junior High” with the 8th-graders.

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