There is a profound, and enduring beauty in simplicity

American Flag on homeowner's house
The flag went up for Independence Day 2001 (3 months before of 9/11)  and has remained everyday since


There is a profound, and enduring beauty in simplicity. In harmony. In seasonality.

In clarity.

In efficiency.

And ultimately, effectiveness.

Design is so much more than the way something looks. It’s how the whole thing works. And ultimately, design defines our experience.

What if we saw our life as something to be designed?

Something that wasn’t on the surface as much as what it was at the core.

About bringing order to our complexity.

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Love when a blinding flash of the obvious is put on trial

Hayward Field home grandstand
You don’t have to be a runner, but you do need to do something (Hayward Field is Running’s Mecca)


Our overall health has a major impact on our job performance.

Love when a blinding flash of the obvious is put on trial. Our ability to perform our job art is diminished in direct proportion to our health.

While I can write without issue, being able to stand in front of an audience and be fully alive and engaging is, well, severely limited.

The double inguinal hernia repair surgery recovery is going slow and steady.

Thank goodness for Oxycodone. And a brand new bed.

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