When you find out they’re talking behind your back

Bank on the fact that both cities talk about each other behind their back…

orlando and disney

When you find out they’re talking behind your back what should you do?


Insight: The truth can set you free.

Note: Two cities reference means Orlando and Disney World. Obviously a symbiotic relationship is best. You get more bees with honey than with vinegar.

This works everywhere… with your boss, children, relatives, neighbors, family, direct reports, team… even your pets.

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What’s our career responsibility today?

Think your job is tough? What if people’s lives were on the line daily…

Vietnam Memorials

What’s our career responsibility today? To think differently. To inspire others… to think differently? To be amazing? To be remarkable? To delight our customers? To study? To have fun. And back again to helping others be inspired too?

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What’s your definition of a leader?

How close are you to deciding for yourself…

Ground Zero rebuild

Here’s the paradox – everyone wants to be a great leader, but most can’t answer, “What’s the definition of a leader?“, with a quick and ready reply.

Then how does a person drive themselves to be one if they don’t even know what they believe?

Insight: The odds of me sharing my definition are overwhelmingly high at the Next Blog… (click the bolded word below to compare)

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