The cost of doing nothing is exponentially greater than doing this

Three pelicans flying through the sky
Vultures? No, pelicans. Was afraid to use this pic because it’s out of focus. But it is in real time.


The cost of doing nothing is exponentially greater than doing this:

The cost of failing.

Getting used to trying things, even at the risk of failing, is the fastest (and only) way to following your passion.

Fear of failing is a deadly toxin to passion.

We know this.

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The goal is always, without exception, to deliver

The Breakers standard Resort view room
Have the service match (or exceed) the facilities (and sleep well knowing you gave 100%)


Unsolicited. Sincere. Humbling. Bullseye.

“This is our 40th trip to Walt Disney World and today was the best day ever. Thank you so much.”

What can you say in response?

You’re welcome?


Insight: The goal is always, without exception, to deliver a remarkable level of service.

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We know these three things but rarely do the most important one


So yeah, I’m pretty high strung about excellence. For many, the idea of never being satisfied is unimaginable. Traditionally we learn to be satisfied, learn to compromise, and learn to keep the bar low – because it is simply easier.

So for the past 30 years have worked in a culture that knows only one standard, continuously improve. Never rest on your laurels or past accomplishments. The video is a quick way to have it make more sense.

If your goal is not impossible, you are not reaching high enough.

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Some big venues, one of them tonight

small intimate setting with front row seat at Mark Victor Hanson session (world-record book sales holder)
small intimate setting with front row seat at Mark Victor Hanson session (world-record book sales holder)


What is a typical day like for an artist? Depends.

The Palace, Fargo Dome, Barclays Center, Super Dome, Amway Center.

Famous venues like these are were most of us go as spectators.

Today, the fifth one is added to a growing list of venues where I have not been a spectator.

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We go straight to unlimited x-rated viewing with one simple click

young child in car seat with stuffed animals
There are many ways to raise a child – do we begin with the end in mind?


Yesterday a 9th grader visited the 7th and 8th graders and was sharing with them how his father taught him extensively about money. From the time he was a little boy he was shown the bills, payments, investments – he saw them all and even had to sign off that he read them.

Fast forward this same boy to 7th and 8th grade and the Internet.

The fatherly advice for free, unlimited, unrestricted Internet access? “Don’t go on You Tube, there’s bad stuff there”.

Not judging (even if it sounds like it). Rather, observing the difference in detail.

We teach what we know. Don’t we?

An expert money manager? For sure.

An Internet expert in the new, global social economy? You decide.

Online predators, pornography, hackers, bullies, age-inappropriate options.

The Academy of Motion Picture Sciences has ratings and we heed these and use our discretion.

The Internet? We go straight to unlimited x-rated viewing with one simple click.

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