The art of shipping our art

Author's book ending screen shot of word doc
Waiting for perfect delays shipping forever


Shipping is art.

Most of us don’t ship.

This is neither good nor bad.

However, it manifests itself relative to our personal goals.

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Do we get to draw our own line on where to be intentional?

Rascal Flatts Unstoppable iTunes screen shot
Never play music with words or melodies people will recognize during individual workbook assignments


Why does Starbucks play music in their stores?

When you are in a Starbucks, do other conversations distract you?

Why have libraries historically insisted on silence?

When you are in a silent library, would other conversations distract you?

Now move to a classroom setting and the audience is asked to quietly think and write in their class guide.

Low volume classical music in the background?

No sound whatsoever?

Where in our workplace do we draw the line and no longer worry about being intentional?

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The best leader is the one who really delivers and, additionally, the one everyone…

Pike Place Market piggy bank
The greatest leaders connect the deepest emotionally


Pike Place Market piggy bank
The coin deposit slot is wide enough for paper bills to enter easily


Business is about getting results.

The best leader is the one who really delivers and, additionally, the one everyone really likes.

That leader we’d follow anywhere. What does that amazing leader do that the other leaders don’t?

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