One big goal of great company orientation programs is…

Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom
Culture is an organization’s greatest asset


The goal of great company orientation programs is to have the instructor tell emotional stories about how cool the culture is. Know why?

Given the choice between working in a cool, exciting culture, and one that isn’t, which would you pick?

Personal, emotional, real stories from someone who was in the operation yesterday and is going back tomorrow, well, it’s as authentic as it gets. 

At the end of the day, we want new employees to have an emotional attachment and a pride – one that they will defend throughout their entire career. 

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Because the herd follows the same direction, we accept this

Motivational quote on living without regret
Who wants to be the richest person n the graveyard?


When we stop climbing to feed our need for self worth in title and pay, we start climbing to feed our need for authenticity and contribution.

Because the herd follows the same widely accepted, well worn direction, we accept this as normal and follow along.

That getting ahead requires us to be better than the others vying for the same position.

And the only way to stand out – to be selected – is to shine brighter than our peers.

This creates a prison cell for small, justifiable deceit to flourish in our soul.

And it insidiously compromises our authentic self.

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