Ever have a moment where you feel like the richest clown in Babylon?

Iowa tree in full white bloom
Overflowing white blooms sprinkle the ground, but few look down


Iowa tree white blooms closeup
Iowa tree white blooms closeup


Iowa tree in full white bloom
The joy (flowers) is almost obscene


Ever have a moment where you feel like the richest clown in Babylon?

Yes, clown.

People are suspect who are no longer convinced that climbing the proverbial corporate ladder is the natural best choice.

Those suspects might also be (or become) rich.

Suspect because they seem to lack ambition, which is often not true.

Rich because they are so calmly focused on what brings themselves joy that they also richly bless their audience with joy.

Or so I’ve been told.

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Flippin’ amazing, just like she had hoped

Old Iowa Capital Building
Old Iowa Capital Building


Flippin’ amazing, just like she had hoped. Like the prediction yesterday, the desire to be flippin’ amazing paid off.

Delivering amazing isn’t for ourselves and our next promotion (unless we’re selfish), it’s for the people we serve.

We know this, no?

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As our patience grows in our impatient world, we become better leaders

Child's art poster celebrating diversity
Cultural or rank differences do not make us different


As our patience grows in our impatient world, we become better leaders.

In a world touting fierce, fiery, impatient leaders (think Hell’s Kitchen), we are perversely led to believe that this behavior is gutsy and commanding.

Commanding yes. Gutsy, no.

What’s gutsy is laying down our weapons (bossiness, position power, fear), and using love.

Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama.

We may never understand this.

Lack of understanding never diminishes it’s secret power.

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