Mid Life Celebration weekly update 4

It began in 2008 as a 40-something Dad’s attempt to simply life’s key themes in order to teach a young boy some responsibility. It’s morphed into a common-sense guide for work life balance, for every adult, everywhere.

mind – body – spirit – money – hq

Many say balance is mind, body, and spirit. Others say it’s work and home. No one else I’ve seen claims it’s all five, except Mid Life Celebration.

Please scroll down to read this week’s posts. Reminder, every post (except weekly updates) ends with a simple ‘Next Blog‘ hyperlink for quick, easy navigation between all five daily posts.


Do it even if they ridicule you behind your back

back stabbing

Do it even if they ridicule you behind your back. And welcome the ridicule. It’s a sure sign you’re on to something. And find their valuable feedback as fuel to adjust, strengthen, and thrust forward.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget, follow your heart. And temper it with the reality that you have a full plate and most likely always will.

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Relentlessly amazing and remarkable?

Sarcasm and negativity smell like dead fish… there’s no disguising it… you can smell the bumper sticker owner’s negativity.


Relentlessly amazing and consistently remarkable? Day in and day out? Impossible? Crazy! Heck yeah it sets the bar ridiculously high. Perfect. Go!

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When you find out they’re talking behind your back

Bank on the fact that both cities talk about each other behind their back…

orlando and disney

When you find out they’re talking behind your back what should you do?


Insight: The truth can set you free.

Note: Two cities reference means Orlando and Disney World. Obviously a symbiotic relationship is best. You get more bees with honey than with vinegar.

This works everywhere… with your boss, children, relatives, neighbors, family, direct reports, team… even your pets.

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