Ask a dying man and he’ll have a ready answer

Randy Pausch
live, before you die…you’re kids are depending on it

Ask a dying man and he’ll have a ready answer…”Who’s more important, your Parents or your Children”?

Today, I pause for moments of silence…in memory of Randy Pausch…father of three children (ages six and under), when he was given six months to live.

He died July 25, 2008. Now his three children are all ten and under.

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The easiest way to quickly gain incredible insight about a person

love everyone
love and accept all people, regardless of their diversity

The easiest way to quickly gain incredible insight about a person is to ask a question you have discerned should have an easy, rapid, and ready answer.

For example, want to know if a leader is self-centered or others-centered, ask, “Who’s more important to you, your parents or your child(ren)?”

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PS. Am acutely aware some readers are not parents. I get it. That fact, though, doesn’t change the overwhelming reality that our species continues because people reproduce offspring. Please take it for what it’s worth.

The number one reason being a leader is like being a parent

no excuses
true that caption...(note: this is not my photo)

The number one reason being a leader is like being a parent. Drumroll please…. When you are not a parent, you think you are the most important person in the world.

When (or if) you become a parent, you gain an amazing insight… you are no longer the most important person in the universe. A servant leader discovers this the moment other people’s careers are more important than their own.

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PS. If you are destined for any reason to never be a parent, the revelation in this post may never become profound. Dismissing it doesn’t make it false, it simple discards one of life’s brilliant phenomenon.

Why the chains of tradition get lost as an asset

biz logos
drew the logo in less than a minute , back in 2008

(Did you click here from jeff If you did, the chain reference below makes perfect sense….

Know why the strong chains of tradition get lost as a corporate asset? Because ambitious people get in positions where they believe it’s still about their career, so they worry more about their promotability than about being unbelievably amazing.

Think about that…and I’ll see you tomorrow. If you’re smart interested, you can click the bolded link below and see how organization plays into this.

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Speaking of legendary…entrepreneurs…

entrepreneurial spirit
an entrepreneurial 3rd grade teacher challenging the students to look at tradition differently

Yesterday someone said (in an apparently concerned sort of way) their work department was very much like an entrepreneurial startup (like the dot com boom stereotypes), even though the company is nearly 90 years old.

Afterwards it occurred to me… That’s the underlying reason the company is nearly 90 years old.

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