The Long Way Is The Short Cut

Repetition, excellence, patience, values, these are all vital leadership ingredients.

If yesterday’s message was “patience is a virtue” then today’s followup is that the long way is the short cut. From developing boys into men to developing adults into leaders.

The first leadership victory begins with self-mastery (or at least pretty close).

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Patience Is A Virtue

These boys will not become men overnight. And not without great guidance.

Leaders are in their position to lead. And at the end of the day it’s excruciatingly simple. Lead to get great results.

The paradox is that great results don’t happen overnight. Patience is a virtue, and a pain in the rear. Hurry up, I need that report  those results yesterday.

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Cone Health Is Focused On Only One Standard: World-Class Excellence

Cone Health in North Carolina is focused on only one standard: world-class excellence.

World class excellence is easy to spot, difficult to attain, and excruciatingly challenging to hold on to.

How do I know? Well, Google this and see if you can find an answer that I shy away from here. The answer is probably on Google’s front page.

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Is It Too Difficult To Make Excellence A Daily Habit?

Did you catch the first sentence? A one-man cultural blitz. Why? Tebow has only one standard.

Culture is what people think and do, without thinking. Dear Son, because of your proximity to Walt Disney World, I can see you’re starting to comprehend where my constant focus and discipline comes from.

Is it too difficult to make excellence a daily habit? Not if you immerse yourself in a culture where excellence is the only acceptable standard.

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