Sometimes, jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, Gets Writer’s High

Some things are hard to explain (like this Suomi ski lift "chair")

jeff noel, America’s Work Life Balance expert, has writer’s high this morning. It’s similar to runner’s high. But very different from drug-induced highs (smirk). It’s a feeling (in running, and in writing) where the participant gets lost in the rhythm of the activity and reaches a place were the motions are effortless and pleasurable.

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Using The First Two As Excuses Makes Us Look Bad, Even If We Have No Clue Of It

No Secret Here

There’s a very simple reason blind spots are called just that, blind spots. The only person who can’t see the obvious, is the one who has no clue. In our own unique way, we each have a ton of blind spots. Time gives us opportunity (try) to self-correct. Or not.

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Doing Something Great Is Only For Other More Talented, Smarter, Harder-Working People


Doing something great is only for other more talented, smarter, harder-working people. Okay, so one out of three ain’t bad. I mean, hall of fame baseball players only bat .333

We know which one is the game-changer, so if we aren’t at the place in life we want to be, it’s because deep down, we use the first two as excuses.

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