What Leaders Really Want

Don't You Love The Diversity Of Perspective?
Don’t You Love The Diversity Of Perspective?

The invisible challenge with finding great leaders?

Too many people want to become leaders.

But not to do work that matters and not to make a difference.


There’s a sad paradox.

People want to become leaders so they can make more money and buy bigger, better, and newer stuff.

Go ahead, tell me I’m lying!

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Very Interesting Question


Perhaps a third leadership value or skill would be “showing a sincere interest in you“.

Someone once told me you can tell a lot about a person with one question:

  • “Are you a Dog-person or a Cat-person?”

Dog-people are always friendly.

Cat-people are friendly sometimes and other times not.

Though this example is completely unscientific, the fact is, no one cares how much the leader knows, until they know how much the leader cares.

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