1 Commonly Forgotten Business Tip

1 Commonly forgotten Business tip for personal and small business branding. This ain’t no shirt and tie message,  just common sense, following this morning’s run in the hot, heavy, humid Florida air:

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Is your job a breeze?

Are you completely satisfied with the way your career has progressed and where it’s headed?

Over and over, there’s convincing evidence that more people are dissatisfied than satisfied.

Know what the biggest stumbling block might be?

Lack of courage.

To combat this, a courageous person has to privately, and relentlessly, coach themselves.


Courage, by the way, often looks like this:

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1 Huge Benefit For Planning Ahead

Planning Ahead Is Not Headline News
Planning Ahead Is Not Headline News

We’ve all heard the saying, “Plan ahead”.

It’s undeniable, and it makes perfect sense, and even if you don’t plan ahead, you know it’s true.

But how do we develop the habit of planning ahead and do it consistently?

We don’t. We aren’t perfect. So the goal is to prioritize our efforts and plan for the big ones, like retirement.

Is four years too soon? Is it too late?

What do you think?

Thinking about it is one thing, doing it is a whole other level of commitment and responsibility.

The payoff to hard work, and advanced planning?

If I have to explain it to you, than I’ve wasted my time reminding you about it through the courage of my own example.

Starting Four Years Early

Who's Got Time To Do This?
Who's Got Time To Do This?

Last week I told an influential person where I’ve been working for the past 27 years that I’d like to begin the dialogue for retirement.



You know, to understand what my options are when I reach retirement age at 55.

It’s less than four years away.

This is exciting stuff…