Routine Maintenance

Most people really want to do their best. Probably a remnant of our basic caveman ancestry to figure out how to stay alive.

But the fear of being eaten is long gone, and we drift, unintentionally, toward the abyss of going through the motions.

I often wonder if the plank others see in my eye is as big as the one I see in theirs.

Everyone’s Looking For Answers

We Need Questions, Not Answers!

And it seems too few are actually looking for the critical difference.

The goal isn’t to find the right answers.

I mean, most people ask the wrong questions.

The goal is to discover the right questions.

Then the real, transformational, work can begin.

Don’t expect any of my blogs to solve your problems.

Rather, expect a daily nudge that someone cares whether or not you accept your divine opportunity to transform yourself into the you you know you want to become.

I’ll meet you here everyday. Ya with me?

Better Leadership Purpose?

Hope It's Not Leaning Against The Wrong Wall
Hope It's Not Leaning Against The Wrong Wall

Does this sound familiar?

We spend our entire career (selfishly) trying to climb the ladder of success, to become a better leader.


We weren’t trying to become a better leader. We were trying to make more money and the next promotion and the newer title would take us higher and closer to our goal.

That’s the problem.

It was our goal. Our selfish goal. All about us.

Once a leader transforms herself into a servant, well, magic begins to happen.

If you’re not organized with the day-to-day stuff, it will take you longer (or maybe never) to become a servant.

Mid Term Report Card

It Ain't Yer Daddy's Resume
It Ain't Yer Daddy's Resume

Google rank #1, #2 or #3 on all five blogs

Yahoo rank #1 on all five blogs

GoDaddy Web Stats for past quarter:

  • 125,000 visits
  • 400,000 page views
  • 750,000 hits

These numbers average 250-350% increases over same time last year.

Good numbers for being in business only 1.5 years, and competing against 80,000,000 other blogs.

Thank you to all you faithful followers, all you newer followers and to my Family, who beleive in this crazy dream to help make the world a better place.

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