Goodbye Big Bang Theory

Goodbye Big Bang Theory.

What a great final episode last night.

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What is your attitude about excellence?

Three common sense leadership tactics to use with underperforming employees.

What is your attitude about excellence?

As a leader, everything is your fault. Great leaders accept responsibility. Then they collaborate with their team to fix things.

And when things are amazing, great leaders shun the spotlight.

An article on Walt Disney’s thoughts on courage and leadership is here.

Son, become a student of leadership. Start with personal leadership. Start with these blogs. Balance is not a myth. Mind, body, spirit, work, home.

Improve one, the other four benefit. Neglect one, the other four suffer. Now do the math on improving two. Now the math on neglecting two.

i can’t make it simpler than this.

You are so far ahead of most 18 year olds. Do not shy from this advantage. And take on additional responsibility for helping your classmates who are willing to listen. To teach is to learn twice.

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Draw Mickey Mouse business classroom activity

Last night during dinner portion of the program.
Jack is a fifth grade artist.
Jack is an incredible human being. His conversational skills, his courage, and his drawing ability inspire me. We met last night for the first time.
Leaving Cypress Center last night.

Draw Mickey Mouse business classroom activity was part of Disney’s Approach to Creativity.

Disney Institute no longer offers the class, nor uses the activity.

It’s still available.

It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.

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Top 5 American Idol 2019

L-R: Wade, Laci, Alejandro, Laine, Madison.

Top 5 American Idol 2019…

Wade, Laci, Alejandro, Laine, Madison.

Wade has the most distinctive (think Louis Armstrong) voice.

Alejandro is the most original, authentic artist.

Laci is the beauty queen.

Laine is the Clark Kent of the group.

And Madison is in High School.

Different will win.

Will it be the voice or the art? The other three, i believe, are not serious contenders – great singers but great singers are common.

Son, there are many great writers, yet there are always openings for people who can write a book (or anything) like Life of Pi.

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In Search of Excellence video

In search of excellence was published in 1982 by management guru Tom Peters. His book was a world-sensation and a video documentary was produced to support the book’s claims.

It was the book, and especially the 13-minute video segment (above) on Walt Disney World, that gave birth to Disney Institute.

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