
This blog is about your career, your contribution to society. Every bee in the bee-hive and every ant in the ant-colony makes a contribution. Same with humans.

At a Restaurant, for instance, you can work the fryer and go home at the end of your shift. You can manage the Restaurant and stay until a problem is resolved. You can own the franchise, get sued, and loose everything.

More isn’t always better so be careful what you wish for. Bottom line, whatever you do, be as good at it as you can. You’ll be paid accordingly. This is one of 5 daily, and different blogs I write each morning to help & encourage others: Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ. Learn more here.

Does Your Brain Hurt?

Go. Dream. Today. What Are You Waiting For?
Go. Dream. Today. What Are You Waiting For?

Where do you go for quick, edgy thoughts? The right question, theĀ hard question? Or a counter-intuitive insight?

How much time do you spend doing versus thinking? Thinking is under rated and perceived as wasteful. You know better, but race through your day anyway.

In reality, it’s one of the hardest things to do, making it easy to avoid. And I’ve been thinking about that and what you need. A lot…

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It’s A Disgusting Leadership Habit

Every Person Has An Inexhaustible, And Free, Gift To Give
Every Person Has An Inexhaustible, And Free, Gift To Give

So he looked at me like I had two heads.

It was a simple question.

The answer could have gone a number of different ways.

But, sadly predictable, it didn’t.

He said, “None”.

Not one time that he could think of did his fellow employees say thank you for what he does to make things nice for them.

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