Connect like you mean it

Best Disney podcasts
Jody’s Twitter bio: Former Park Ranger who has become the happiest podcaster on earth.


This is a copy and paste snippet from an email distribution software i just purchased on a recommendation from my future Podcast Host Jody Maberry. The software employee gives tips on how to build your processes and how to be more effective with what you build.

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It’s like a dinner party conversation. Two people are talking and your friend says, “Hey did you hear Bill has a blog?”.

“No, what’s it about?” the person responds.

If your friend gives a general answer, it won’t be very compelling to the new person.

If it’s specific, you have a chance. The topic will either resonate or it won’t. If it does, you may have found a fan for life.

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Ok, back to my voice…

Too generic and your flavor sounds like plain vanilla. Vanilla isn’t inherently bad, but it’s available everywhere and everyone is selling it.

The right kind of specific and you have a flavor that sounds amazing to the right person.

Out of 100 people who know about your new flavor, if five are crazy about it (and 95 don’t care), you have something valuable.

The goal is the smallest viable audience.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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Guess what day the jeff noel Disney podcast is debuting

True for many (you?).
True for everyone reading this.

Guess what day the jeff noel Disney podcast is debuting.

When we spoke on Friday (October 26), January 1st or thereabouts seemed doable.

Fingers crossed this morning (October 30) that in two months, we’ll have a gift and resource for just the right audience.

Who’s the audience?

  1. People who love Disney
  2. People who crave balance in their life
  3. People who know they must invest time, money, and effort into enhancing personal and organizational vibrancy.

So yeah, it may not work.

Yet it could be genius.

Nothing that represents a potential, previously not offered breakthrough ever comes with a guarantee.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.