Could we pursue perseverance the way an Olympian pursues Gold medals?

Mickey Mouse and jeff noel
One was created by an artist, one pursues art


Could we pursue perseverance the way an Olympian pursues Gold medals?

On the fourth and final program day, the Orlando Interpretation company co-founder pulled me aside, “I’ve been talking with the two interpreters and the three of us agree you’re the best Facilitator we’ve ever encountered”.

Dear Son, I was stunned.

We do what we do, in this case 14 years as a professional speaker, carrying insecurities about our worth.

This is an example of how being an artist creates (deep) impact.

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What’s Your Social Net-Worth? Not Nearly What You Might Think When You Do The Math

Most can’t see it. The very people hiding Friend’s status updates likely have theirs hidden. So then what’s the net worth of a social network? Two pics, same subject…

One with intentional reflection. The other, without. jeff noel’s goal – capture a glimpse of the artist in action, but afraid most would call it sloppy.

Being antagonistic feels good, and not so good. The intent is only for good.

Tell us again your social net worth.

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