Leader Top Priorities?

Leadership priorities.  Probably the single most important “to do” on a great leader’s list.  Right?

At the top for me is a compelling vision.  Then acting with integrity. And thirdly, building trust.

But these aren’t the priorities I’m talking about.

I’m referring to personal, moral priorities.

A few months ago, I had the privilege to hear a Fortune 100 President give a speech. To my surprise he listed his as:

  1. Faith
  2. Family
  3. Career

Didn’t see that one coming.  Career was third.  As a Fortune 100 President. Wow.

Live authentically, serve humbly, live to make other’s dreams come true.

jungle jeff Loves Vision

jungle jeff loves vision.  Being able to see?  You love that?  Well, yes, and that’s not what I meant. Not seeing what’s in front of us now, but seeing what could be in front of us well into the future.

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Japanese proverb

If you went and looked in the mirror and were compellingly honest, which side of the Japanese Proverb would you fall into?  The left side or the right?

“A frog in a well can not conceive of the ocean”. — Japanese Proverb

Hope you can comprehend the first proverb.  If you have the title (real or assumed) and you don’t understand it, go look in the mirror again.  Are you an amphibian?

It’s been said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”.  Carpe diem.

jungle jeff, Vision, Mission, Brand

Vision, Mission, Brand. Corporate speak? Sure. Critical success factors? Absolutely.  Or, just plain old common sense?

How many successful businesses operate without these?  “None“, would probably be pretty accurate. Seriously, how could they?

And if they can’t be successful, how can we? Ever wonder about your personal life – without a personal vision, mission, and brand?

When companies evaluate their employee, customer and financial goals and results, do you think they could save time and money by not laboring over these things?

Of course. But that would be very short-sighted and very foolish.

Is it me, or is it hot in here?

Yesterday’s post inspired this one.  “Without clearly defined…..”

Money, Money, Money….Money

Money, Money, Money….Money“.  The O’Jays, 1974, For The Love of Money.

I want to make a ton of money.  Seriously.  Enough to buy whatever I want.

First on my list:

  1. A Cure for Crohn’s disease

To take action, – to “put my money where my mouth is” – I’ve returned to school to earn my MBA.

Maybe that’ll be second on the list – pay off school loans.

How Important Is Money To You?

Money.  Can’t live with it, can’t live without it.  Money has always been my biggest stressor.

Eventually, I learned a very simple and very profound rule.  It is the first rule that should be learned.

  • Spend less than you earn

What made this most basic of rules so elusive for me, is that I did not subscribe to common sense.  A million reasons for that, which I’ll not even attempt to address.

The second rule I learned is have a business.  After reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad” last Christmas, my whole mindset about money was changed forever….