Connect like you mean it

Best Disney podcasts
Jody’s Twitter bio: Former Park Ranger who has become the happiest podcaster on earth.


This is a copy and paste snippet from an email distribution software i just purchased on a recommendation from my future Podcast Host Jody Maberry. The software employee gives tips on how to build your processes and how to be more effective with what you build.

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It’s like a dinner party conversation. Two people are talking and your friend says, “Hey did you hear Bill has a blog?”.

“No, what’s it about?” the person responds.

If your friend gives a general answer, it won’t be very compelling to the new person.

If it’s specific, you have a chance. The topic will either resonate or it won’t. If it does, you may have found a fan for life.

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Ok, back to my voice…

Too generic and your flavor sounds like plain vanilla. Vanilla isn’t inherently bad, but it’s available everywhere and everyone is selling it.

The right kind of specific and you have a flavor that sounds amazing to the right person.

Out of 100 people who know about your new flavor, if five are crazy about it (and 95 don’t care), you have something valuable.

The goal is the smallest viable audience.


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The best Disney Keynote Speakers have no choice but to flourish

Disney Leadership spacers
Two business insights scribbled down during a business call last week. The first one i’ve said for 15 years. the second for the first time during last week’s call.


The Disney decision should always be this one…

The decision to do it one way or the other way, you always pick the better way.

The purpose of organizational vibrancy is to have more people doing better things more often.

With this combination of intentional and organic cultural transformation, your brand has no choice but to flourish.


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17 days on $200 cash

Bicycling through the San Juan Islands
We got a window seat for lunch this day, while island-hopping through Washington State’s San Juan Islands.


i knew one thing for sure as a newlywed – doing something unique, perhaps even unconventional, would be way more memorable than doing the stereotypical honeymoon, which by the way, there was no way i (we) could afford.

Our 17-days (there was no predetermined length before embarking on the honeymoon) of travel were paid for with the $200 cash we carried with us.

That’s some crazy math: $200 to cover 17 travel days.

PS. There was that one night, when we stayed in Victoria, British Columbia motel, where we used Cheryl’s credit card. The campground was too far away, so we splurged.


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Playing it safe is risky

americal idol contestant
Underdog, quirky, misfit, outlier.


Playing it safe is risky.

Catie doesn’t seem to care.

i hope she wins American Idol.




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How many Orlando-based Disney Keynote Speakers can say this?

Disney icons
Disney trifecta.


As an army of one – a small business entrepreneur – you have responsibility for marketing yourself.

This is challenging to do and appear humble simultaneously.

Marketing’s primary job is to shine a spotlight on why their organization, their product, and their people are head-and-shoulders above the competition.

Blogging allows random opportunities (like this post) to play around with that challenge.

Here goes…

How many Orlando-based Disney Keynote Speakers can say this?

  • I never give the same speech twice
  • My keynote speeches are unlike anything audiences are used to
  • I worked at Disney for at least 30 years
  • I worked at Disney Institute for at least 15 years
  • I’ve been gone from Disney for less than five years
  • I live less than one mile from Walt Disney World
  • I’ve received both of Disney’s Lifetime Achievement Awards
  • I offer three significant discounts for Orlando Keynote Speeches
  • I’ve spoken to over one-million people
  • I’ve spoken to 2,000 different organizations
  • I retired as Disney Institute’s highest rated, most requested speaker

How many?

PS. The i’s are capitalized because it’s not me speaking, it’s other “Disney Keynote Speakers” asking themselves these questions.


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