Tomorrow’s commute is almost one day

The High Senior Walk Out is something i can plan to attend. Working for yourself has pros and cons. This is a pro.

Tomorrow’s commute is almost one day, and seven time zones away.

The airline’s business class ticket costs $8k and includes chauffeur service from home to the airport, and when returning home, from the airport back to your house.

Have never paid for a business class ticket directly, but indirectly it’s a form of income because the client is spending that money on you.

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Let this be a reminder how frustrate​d i was

Let this be a reminder how frustrate​d i was.

To the wrong person, you can see it, right?

Ego. He just likes using his photo.

Yeah, that’s it.

Happy present moment.

Anyone who owns their own business understands that it’s different than working for someone else. Entirely different. There isn’t a thing as a business owner that you don’t have to be concerned with. You’re responsible for it all.

All. Of. It.

Every. Day.

All. Day.

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The ultimate promotion is when you become vibrant

Disney Characters at Granite Park Chalet
Sunset at Granite Park Chalet inside Glacier National Park.

The ultimate promotion is when you become vibrant

As you watch people who left the corporate world and built their own small business, what have you learned?

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Brainstorming’s goal is quantity, not quality

Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008
Mid Life Celebration art 2008

Brainstorming’s goal is quantity, not quality.

Putting a simple, daily hug into the fabric of school life eliminates regret.

Putting a simple, daily, morning prayer ritual into the fabric of every morning eliminates regret.

The daily morning prayer is conducted at the foot of a bed, even when traveling the globe in hotels.

The reason quantity is the goal when brainstorming is because you can only pick from what you generate.

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Hey Jody, what if…

originality and criticism
The trap when pursuing originality is quitting as you pass through the storm of criticism.

Hey Jody, what if you helped me build a jeff noel genius network?

A warrior network.

Love the warrior, hate the war.

What war?

The war against fear and excuses. The war against normal, the herd mentality – if everyone’s doing it, it has to be okay.

Made for people who want to rethink everything.

Perfect for people who have great priorities but know they need to modify their priorities order.

The best catalyst for people who are 110% committed to transforming themselves.

That was a little creative, dreaming riff. Morning exercises if you will. 

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