Looks good on paper but really, who’s got time?

Wishful thinking
Interesting photo pulled from FB but cannot recall the originator (wishful thinking?)


When we are overwhelmed (probably daily) with things to do and think about, it’s often best to pause.

To regroup.

To think.

To take stock.

To reprioritize.

To plan.

To unpause and take action.

Better action than before the pause.

But our work is our mistress.

Who’s got time?

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Same thing will happen again in 24 hours

sunrise in Winnipeg
Same thing will happen again in 24 hours


When we habitually watch the clock at work, wishing time would go by faster, we are surviving.

When we look at the clock and worry that we don’t have enough time, we are thriving.

When we no longer have a need for a clock, we have perfected the art of living and working.

Lofty? Of course.

Impossible? Depends on the person.

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Good people becoming like monsters

Facebook update screen shot
The goal is to figure out what you can improve and what is not worth trying to improve (not my comments, btw)


It’s literally incomprehensible how busy people are.

Good people becoming like monsters.

Wonder what the mirror says.

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