Monkey See

Children pay little attention to their parent’s teachings, but reproduce their character faithfully.  – Mason Cooley

Same with organizational leadership.

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Yesterday’s answer: Three reasons: Didn’t know how. Wasn’t properly motivated. Wasn’t aware of the staggering benefits.

April @ jungle jeff

Hey Dad, why didn’t you ever start your business when you where younger?

Good question Son. Tell you tomorrow. But first, today’s inspirational nugget:

Procrastination is opportunities natural assassin. – Victor Kiam

Next Blog

Yesterday’s answer: The successful implementation of an idea.

Leadership Check Engine Light

Become The Type Of Person Your Dog Thinks You Are
Become The Type Of Person Your Dog Thinks You Are

Does your career, and more importantly, your leadership style, have a check engine light?

What are you working on that will make a difference in how others perceive you?

What are you working on that, unknowingly, doesn’t matter at all?

How do we tell the difference?

Excellence is a habit, not something we stumble upon.

Help Wanted

Great Advice, Eh?
Great Advice, Eh?

The focus here is on each human’s contribution to society. Every ant in the ant colony, and every bee in the bee hive has a contribution.

Same with humans. Society, generally speaking, pays us for our contribution.

You can make the french fries, you can manage the restaurant, or you can own the franchise. Society pays you accordingly. More isn’t always better. Be careful what you wish for.

Leadership, vision, balance, continuous improvement, conflict, adversity, courage, tenacity are just a few of the themes here. Did I mention courage?

Did I mention organizational skills?