Hello, My Name Is…

Someone Created A Magazine Just Because Of Opportunities
Someone Created A Magazine Just Because Of Opportunities

He starts out with, “Hello, my name is Scott Ginsberg”…

On a recent Sunday morning, getting ready for Church, with the usual scan of the social media bookmarks….Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube, Facebook, Blogs…

Bingo!!  Scott Ginsberg.

Scott Ginsberg has worn a name tag every day, all day, for over nine consecutive years.

Do it better than the others, or do what no one else is doing. These are your two options as an Internet entrepreneur.

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The Answers Are Obvious

Man's Best Friend
Man's Best Friend

The answers are obvious to the person who thinks things through, paying particular attention to what’s common sense.

What did you answer from yesterday’s choices?

The correct answer is open the window, let the dog sniff and reward the dog for waking you up.

You get bonus credit if you made an additional choice that wasn’t offered (on purpose), to grab a flashlight and take your dog outside to sniff even more thoroughly.

Why not yell at your dog to shut up and be quiet?  After all, you work hard, you’re exhausted, and you have a big day tomorrow.