You Know Your Worst Enemy

If Only It Would
If Only It Would

It’s self-doubt.  Think about it.

“A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself.” – Alexandre Dumas

Remember the other day when I said the best way to build self-confidence is to build self-confidence? It’s true.

But maybe you doubt that.

Next Blog

Can You Take Initiative?

Quit Monkeying Around
Quit Monkeying Around

Humans are fearful creatures. Fear is a gift bestowed on us  to help us survive.

Funny thing is though, Saber-Toothed Tigers are extinct, yet we live as if we might get eaten.

When we hear people complain about their boss, the Government, their colleagues, you know what that person is really complaining about?

They are really complaining about their own insecurities to take initiative and thrive, instead of simply surviving.

As people read this, a third will embrace it, a third will not care, and a third think I’m an idiot.

Life goes on.

Speaking of Fear

Dear jungle jeff readers, you probably know this, but jungle jeff is just one of five daily blogs that I write.

After speaking of fear yesterday here at jungle jeff, a few minutes later I posted an important jeff noel blog post.

And the topic at yesterday was the antithesis of the one here at jungle jeff.

Is it okay to notice personal growth and use that confidence to make a dramatic leap in progress?

One thing for sure, I’m not afraid to find out.

Click here to go there.

jungle jeff’s Top Ten List

jungle jeff’s top ten list:

Today, my personal Leadership recipe:

  1. Vision – number one, it must be compelling, and impossible
  2. Passion – passion is unlike yeast, we need a ton of passion
  3. Communicationmore is better; daily
  4. Confidence – people love someone who believes “all the way”
  5. Structure – how great work gets done effectively, and quickly
  6. Teamworktogether, everyone achieves more
  7. Innovation –  fancy word for creativity; implementing creative ideas
  8. Measurement – you can’t improve what you don’t measure
  9. Results – this is why we are in business
  10. Fun – do what you love

Mix with courage, or, an indomitable will, and you have the opportunity to achieve what others say can’t be done.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂