Is It Possible To Deliver Great Outcomes Every Single Day?

Greensboro, North Carolina (90-days ago yesterday)

Is it possible to perform our jobs at extraordinarily high levels day in and day out?

We would hope our surgeon does. Or the general contractor building our home. Or our child’s school teacher. Or our elected officials. But what about our personal responsibility?

I always listen for the choice of words people use after the classes I teach are over. Hearing “that was really good”, “enjoyed it”, “you did a good job” is significantly different than “that was amazing”, “perfect”, “it was excellent!”

Yesterday was exceptional. Always aim for it. Feel blessed when you nail it.

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Four Tips to Be World Class

How does a person or an organization become world class, and stay world class? Here are four tips to do just that.  First, however we need to state the obvious:

It’s a double edge sword isn’t it?  If consistency is the hallmark or quality, and continuous improvement is the key to becoming (and sustaining) world class status, how do you balance risk and reward?

Let’s use this example from yesterday.

As a professional speaker, there are several goals for every presentation:

  • Give a speech to change the world
  • Never give the same speech twice
  • Ask great questions
  • Get the audience to reveal the key points

Let’s review from a different angle, what you just read:

  • Have passion and faith that impossible is possible
  • Be authentic, not going through the motions
  • Know where you want to go and be prepared to get there
  • Lead, don’t manage

The second set of bullet points states the common sense theories that we all nod our heads in agreement when we hear them.

The first set illustrates how I internalized these common sense things to make them work for my particular role in the business world.

Now it’s your turn. Take the four common sense bullet points and make them your own.  Tomorrow, I’ll share how practicing what I preach led to an amazing result.

You don’t have to any of this.  And maybe that’s a leader’s biggest challenge, doing what’s easier rather than what’s harder.  So here’s a fifth tip – being world class means out working your competition.  Most people hate to admit this.  And then they wonder why they aren’t world class.

jungle jeff in Finland?

jungle jeff in Finland?

Yes.  Was a zombie yesterday.  Severe jet lag.  Woke at 5AM here, with eight hours of fresh sleep.  I’m very consciously ignoring the fact that it’s 10PM Disney World time.  🙂

Ever notice how I always, without exception, use lower case letters in my name?

Initially, most think it’s simply a typo – that I’m not actually paying attention to the little details, which Disney is famous for.

When a person consistently does something, well or not well, it’s called a habit.

The Disney organization works desperately hard to have their employees do things consistently well.

Because, very simply, if they don’t do things consistently well, the odds are staggering that they’ll trend to the opposite.

So our son has heard me preach about using his manners, for years.  I never give up. Never get frustrated. I just keep focused. He’s “only” eight, but he fully understands this:

Stand two 8-year olds together.  Assume one consistently uses manners.  The other boy doesn’t.

Which boy will adults trust more?

Same with business.  Two businesses offer customers the same product, same price point.  One is service-focused.  One is not.

My work here today is done.   Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂