Patience and pain can turn into astonishing opportunity

Unique honeymoon ideas
A 1984 international bicycle trek (on a honeymoon no less) was never something i could have predicted.


Turned the corner on a steep and impatient learning curve.

Thank goodness for trust. It allows patience and pain to be an opportunity rather than an illness.

In reality, i was unprepared for having to negotiate six-figure cultural transformation contracts.


Because it was never part of my future.

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Knowing how easy it is to forget is a great way not to

Pool pump pressure gauge
The pressure is always on to get great business results.


Sending the invoice and W-9 to the second client this morning. Signed the contract three days ago on Friday the 13th. There are many small, seemingly insignificant milestones in an entrepreneur’s journey.

Because there are so many, it’s easy to discount the value and importance of each one individually.

Knowing how easy it is to forget is a great way not to.

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