DU & DI history montage

Disney Institute lisence plate and hat
Many people we saw at the DU/DI reunion started at Disney University. Disney Institute originally began at DU.

Cathy put this together. Twenty-eight minutes of Magical DU/DI memories…

DU-DUPDP-Remember 2022 Cathy Mathews from Integrated Loyalty Systems on Vimeo.

Being in certain circles can be an interesting phenomenon.

During our 66 combined years of Disney service, we were never Disney social butterflies outside of work.

But a recent Saturday night put us in extraordinary company.

It was satisfying to be a quiet, but genuinely social observer.

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Like Steve Jobs’ early struggles, many entrepreneurs know these first hand

screen shot of TED Talk slide
Story structure is pretty simple, and true


Like Steve Jobs’ early struggles, many entrepreneurs know these same struggles first hand.

How do we take a crazy notion and convince a busy world to slow down for a moment of honest consideration?

It’s a bit like being an adventurer or explorer.

If it was easy, or reasonable, it would already be mainstream.

This challenge taunts our spirit. The same spirit that has the power to ignite and inspire a world to change.

This makes the entrepreneur’s existence come alive.

There is so much BS claiming balance is a myth that no one even questions it anymore.

Well, there’s still at least one.

Crazy fool to believe?

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