Lots of eyes on professional speakers, and copious opportunity for feedback

Row of wireless lavalieres
Lots of eyes on professional speakers, and copious opportunity for feedback


It’s remarkable how much we crave (and probably expect) feedback from others, especially those we work with.

If we did an inventory of how often we initiate and share the same with those we expect it from, who’s leading the way?

Us, or others?

Better be us, no?

It’s lonely isn’t it?

Do it anyway.

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Do it even if they ridicule you behind your back

back stabbing

Do it even if they ridicule you behind your back. And welcome the ridicule. It’s a sure sign you’re on to something. And find their valuable feedback as fuel to adjust, strengthen, and thrust forward.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget, follow your heart. And temper it with the reality that you have a full plate and most likely always will.

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