Has the reality of your daily life sunk in?

Orlando Disney Keynote Speakers


(photo: Bottom left, sitting on Main Street enjoying a Starbucks breakfast sandwich at 9:30am the day after Thanksgiving.)

Bold question.

Kind too.

Has the reality of your daily life sunk in?

Filled with hope?

Prepared to work incredibly hard?

Yesterday was a bit closer to feeling it here. See photo above.

Today is the last day of the first month of retirement.

The only way to get to this point was to dream, do, dream, do, dream, do…

And along the way, constantly overcome failure, doubt, and fear.

The goal to retire at 55 was made six years in advance.

The goal to carve out a career at Disney was made at the tender age of 25.

It was 30 years to pay off a mortgage and reach the pinnacle of an incredible career.

It was a five day drive from Pullman, Washington to Orlando, Florida in 1984.

And before loading up the car for good, a risk had to be taken.

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We pretty much do what we set out to do

Coca Cola napkin


Coca Cola napkin



(photo: Yesterday on a plane home from Houston… reminding us we focus where we want to focus, and that makes all the difference in what we see… and achieve)

What would you do if you could do anything?

Would you focus on saving a few dollars here and there by cutting expenses?

Would you focus on earning new contracts worth an exponentially greater revenue than a few dollars?

The difference in where we spend our time is the difference in the results we get.

Set the bar low or set it high, odds are we’ll get close.

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Every morning jeff writes five different, short, and pithy posts about the challenging and wonderful balance between:

mind • body • spirit • work • home

All five websites are seamlessly connected by a convenient and easy to click link to go to the next topic.

Try it below if you never done it, or if it’s been awhile.

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An unheralded part of being a leader is making each day special

jeff noel on bike ride
Be creative. Be hopeful. Be grateful.


An unheralded part of being a leader is making each day special.

Easy to glorify and cheer for the month, quarter, year, or record setting achievements.

Yesterday – Father’s Day – was a solemn reminder.

Wife and son out of state taking care of important Family business.

A Dad, a leader, all alone.


Not in a million years.

We have come to know the true meaning of Father’s day when we learn to celebrate it every single day.

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