Happy Birthday You Tube

Wanna Watch You Tube?
Wanna Watch You Tube?

You Tube.  You love to watch it.

You Tube videos are funny, serious, wacky, sexy, vulgar, informative, personal, revealing, captivating.

Google bought You Tube for $1.65 Billion.

This, in less than five years.

Crazy idea, that You Tube thing, all those five years ago.

There will be another crazy thing.  One after the other.  The really crazy thing is that it can now come from anyone, anywhere.

Will your idea be the next viral Internet phenomenon?  Maybe that’s too big.

Will your idea be the next big thing in your department, your division, your organization, your industry?

Wouldn’t challenge you if I didn’t believe I could do it myself.  Seriously.

Lead or follow.  Remember?

Not A Big Deal

What Would You Find?
What Would You Find?

Hey, don’t want to make a big deal, or start some internal swirl of guilt or doubt with anyone, so I won’t dwell on this blog thing from yesterday.

But may I please say one more thing before we move on?  Google a few things and see what you get:

  • Your name
  • Your Company
  • A few key words you use

Blogging will accelerate your search engine optimization. It’s not a silver bullet, but then again, and we all know “There ain’t no silver bullet.”

And as a “put your money where your mouth is” kinda thing, Google any of my blog titles (minus the .com, .net or .org).

Maybe there is a silver bullet.

Or, beginner’s luck.

Against All Odds

Yesterday….(Not the Beatles).

Happy Birthday (yesterday) to Disneyland!

Walt Disney said:

“I knew if this business was ever to get anywhere, if this business was ever to grow, it could never do it by having to answer to someone unsympathetic to it’s possibilities, by having to answer to someone with only one thought or interest, namely profits.  For my idea of how to make profits has differed greatly from those who generally control businesses such as ours.  I have a blind faith in the policy that quality, tempered with good judgement and showmanship, will win out against all odds”.

If Walt Disney could have envisioned how successful his business philosophy would ultimately become and how far it would take The Walt Disney Company, maybe he would have found a way to quit smoking.

Crazy, yes.  Impossible, no.

Walt Disney never used the word, “Impossible”!

Carpe diem,  jungle jeff  🙂

Google Study Tips

Google Study Tips

“You can observe a lot by watching”. — Yogi Berra

Google dominates search engine.   Disney dominates family entertainment.

I enjoy watching and learning from them.

They say, “To teach is to learn twice”.

As a 35-year business professional, including 25 year here in Central Florida,  I’ve become quite the Disney expert.

I really hadn’t noticed, until I started to do the math.

For the past ten-plus years, I’ve been a professional speaker, teaching world-class business strategies and business tactics – averaging four days per week teaching.

Assuming 46 weeks per year teaching, multiplied by four days per week, multiplied by 10.3 years teaching  – roughly 2,000 days of keynote speeches, multi-day workshops, etc.

Even more staggering, to me, is to roughly estimate the average audience size to be 250.   The largest group I taught was 3,000.  The smallest, ten.

Bottom line?

I’ve taught over one-half million people.

That’s 500,000!   Wow!  Who knew?

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂