This better work

Fast Company Article on Disney My Magic project
Fast Company Article on Disney My Magic project


“This better work”, Bob Iger said three times to Tom Staggs as one of the Walt Disney Company’s most important modern day meetings concluded.

This better work.

The Fast Company article summarizes what i’ve been saying for years:

There probably hasn’t been a day in the past 10 years where we have not said, “We should have never done this.”

Beginning tomorrow, a new chapter at

If Disney Ran Your Life: Your owner’s manual to greatness and success

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The vision has to be simple, otherwise plan on failing

Disney Management Soeakers


(photo: October 30, 2014. One day before the last day of a 30 year run. Had briefly entertained the notion of retiring with Bob until Bob extended his contract three more years.)

Bob Iger speaks briefly about Disney’s three pillars:

  1. Creativity
  2. Technology
  3. Globalization.


The vision has to be simple.

Has to.

For a Fourtune 6 Most Admired Company.

For each of us.

Here’s one Company’s simple vision:

The World’s Most Admired Company

Here’s one person’s simple vision:

Humble servant

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