Mid Life Celebration, LLC

Looking at iLife’s 2011 design…deja vu..

What have you been putting off for so long, you almost despise yourself?

As March 2011 begins today, so does a new approach to finishing, what Mid Life Celebration, LLC has put off for 30 years.

In 30 days, I’m likely to pause, at the two-year anniversary of the 100-day writing challenge. A herculean effort. Really. The Blog Whisperer, each morning whispering to the world, “Live, before you die”.

Many have shared how these jeff noel blogs have helped them – and I have shared how you, in return, have helped me.

The next chapter in this journey will look and feel different.

You are welcome to come along. In fact, it would be extraordinary if you would promise yourself to keep pressing on with your dream(s).

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