10 Things I’ll Miss (draft from July 2009)

Wrote this draft 1.5 years ago and here it is for the 1st time, but the photo was taken yesterday…

As of today, July 29, 2009, I’ve posted 190 jungle jeff blog entries, plus dozens of tips in the PAGES column.

Every single jungle jeff blog post, I believe without exception, has at least one, and most likely, multiple hyperlinks leading where?

One cyber-destination, and one cyber-destination only.

My workplace.

Effective immediately, that will no longer happen.

10 Things I’ll miss about not using social media to promote my workplace on jungle jeff:

  1. Everything  🙂
  2. The solace a person feels when they know they’ve done their absolute best
  3. Showcasing the depth and breadth of my workplace’s offerings
  4. Developing trust with jungle jeff readers
  5. Building relationships (see #4)
  6. Showing what’s possible to those around me
  7. Engaging potential consumers
  8. Spreading the word, to the world
  9. The potential to experiment, professionally, with the various free, web 2.0 tools
  10. Getting great results

Effective August 1, 2009, I will be writing about how my career choice has made me a better person.

Additionally, effective immediately, I will remove all hyperlinks, posts, You Tube videos and any other references. It just makes sense, until an official social media policy is in writing.

Thanks to the three leaders who approved this reasonable experiment. A great learning and development tool – for all of us.

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They Don’t Want To Become Famous

There are people who have jobs they really don’t enjoy and work for people they really don’t respect. Additionally, they dream of writing a book (or maybe they already have), or starting a business.

Yet they are not assertive enough to market themselves. They are “too humble” for that sort of work.

Hey, good luck with that.

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Dear Son #14

Dear Son, you know that between your grandfather and your great grandfather, who both had factory jobs, and ran their own businesses on the side, they chose not to involve me, teach me, encourage me, nor help me think about running a business.

I don’t have any answers to this piece of history, and I believe they loved me very much, even if I never heard them say it. (I mean, what else am I supposed to think?)

You will reap what you sow, and more isn’t always better. Within these blogs is everything I know. And everything you’ll need to start your own business.

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