What Is The Bridge Between Effort And Success?

Verrazano Narrow Bridge, connecting Staten Island with Brooklyn, New York, May 2011.

The majority work hard at launching a small business start up. A minority actually succeed. What’s the bridge to success? Why is it so narrow.

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Shut Up And Push

T-shirts.  We all have a few.  Some of them are part of who we are.  A form of self expression.  They are usually priced right, which is why many people have too many.  Plus, it’s difficult to part with them.

The other day, while driving in Central Florida, a man was wearing a t-shirt that caught my attention.  It read, “Shut Up And Push“.

Instantaneously, this led me to wonder about the slogan and how it applies to business.  This is the way my crazy mind works.

In today’s economic crunch, in addition to doing all the daily things we always do, there are two other line items that demand our attention.  Number oneworry about the future.  Number twoprepare for the future.

If you think about it you will realize, the future is extra work, but only if you focus on it.  Not to mention, the future is hard work, but only if you focus on it.

What I decided I need to do is, “Shut up and push“!

John F. Kennedy said, “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”.