Quick Pulse Check

Are Your Dreams Heading To The Landfill?
Are Your Dreams Heading To The Landfill?

If you asked yourself these questions, what score would you give yourself, with 10 being the highest and 1 lowest?

1.  “I’m completely excited to wake up each day to go to my job?”

2.  “I wouldn’t change a thing about my current job, it’s a perfect fit?”

Laziness Pays Dividends Now

Survival Is A Full-Time Job
Survival Is A Full-Time Job

One thing for sure, laziness pays immediate dividends.

Of course, it’s easy to sit back and relax and enjoy life.

If you were a wild animal out in nature somewhere, how far would that get you?

Same for life. Same for business. They don’t call them “busy as a beaver” for no reason.