It’s so easy to spot when someone loves what they do

couldn’t keep my “real job” a secret even if my life depended on it

Hey Internet, aren’t you a funny little monkey? My friend from Texas often uses this phrase when something or someone leans on the annoying side of life. I’ve purposefully never come right out and said what I do 60+ hours a week – you know, that career thing some people spend their lives doing.

Fact is, I can’t keep what I do and who I do it for a secret, even if my life depended on it.

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How to tell if you’re the same person at work as you are at home

love your job
love what you do and do what you love

Here’s how I tell if I’m the same person at work as I am at home. This may work for you too. Ask a simple question. How far apart is the way I behave at home from the way I behave at work?

The more you love your job, the more you are the same person. The less you love your job, the more noticeable the difference in the way you feel when you’re at home.

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Don’t quit your day job is really great advice

after retiring, they've never had to work another day

Don’t quit your day job is really great advice. And all I can think about is how lucky I am to have a day job that allows me to do work that matters.

Count your blessings if you are working hard at something that matters. Consider getting out if your not.

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