Disney’s Jungle Cruise Attraction

Here’s a Disneyland You Tube Jungle Cruise Video, reportedly from 1956.

Fast forward to January 1982. Orlando, Florida. Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park. Straw hat, 100% polyester Disney costume, Disney haircut, Disney smile, ten-minute Disney spiel in hand.

Humor was not the focus in 1956, as it was when I was a Disney Jungle Cruise Skipper, “jungle jeff“, at The Walt Disney World Resort’s Magic Kingdom Park in 1982.

Most Jungle Cruise Skippers added a word, like “jungle” in front of their real name, as part Disney tradition and part Disney show. All these years later, it still means something.  FUN!

Speaking Of Napster…

A few hours ago, I posted below about Seth Godin being someone I think everyone should be paying attention to.

And in this morning’s post (below), Napster was used as an example of how a time-tested, dominating, business model was dismantled by a few forward-thinking people.

Click here if you have any sense at all.  This further illustrates the importance of benchmarking, of surveying the landscape, of constantly checking the radar screen.

If Seth Godin’s blog post, “Less Than Zero” doesn’t make your head spin, go buy some WD-40.

Jungle Cruise You Tube Funny

Jungle Cruise You Tube Funny.  Funny is as funny does, or something like that.

And now for something completely different.  A friend sent this to me, knowing how many times I delivered the Walt Disney Jungle Cruise Attraction spiel, back in 1982.

Here’s the You Tube video – If you’re ready to be amused, click here.

First there was Sunday’s unusually casual post, and now this?  What’s happening?

Walt Disney said, “Laughter is no enemy to learning.  We should use every gag and every prop at our disposal”.

Words to live by……words to live by……

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂