Great leaders don’t

Disney Cast only door
How do you feel when your boss calls you and says, “Can you come see me in my office?”


Great leaders tend to do things that matter. Good leaders don’t.

Trouble is, much of what matters can’t be measured and much of what can be measured doesn’t matter – not in the hearts of those we lead anyway.

Employees are starving to know their leadership team thinks the world of them.

Good leaders assume they know. Great leaders don’t.

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An unheralded part of being a leader is making each day special

jeff noel on bike ride
Be creative. Be hopeful. Be grateful.


An unheralded part of being a leader is making each day special.

Easy to glorify and cheer for the month, quarter, year, or record setting achievements.

Yesterday – Father’s Day – was a solemn reminder.

Wife and son out of state taking care of important Family business.

A Dad, a leader, all alone.


Not in a million years.

We have come to know the true meaning of Father’s day when we learn to celebrate it every single day.

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Is there a cure for sending the wrong leadership message?

Apple Store employee t-shirt slogan
Apple advocates will pay whatever it costs because they believe Apple cares about the user experience first


No leader aspires to have others feel like they are only interested in the financial side of the business.

But simply do the math.

It adds up quickly, doesn’t it?

There are exceptions to this stereotype.

Feel blessed if you find yourself there.

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