It’s not your job


Leadership is a responsibility, not a job.

Lee Cockerell

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Dad’s leadership architecture


The basic principles that help a human being be productive and effective have not changed in 6000 years.

Hyrum Smith

The leadership architecture i learned, did, and taught at Disney for 30 years: vision, involvement, accountability, commitment.


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Tennis anyone?

jeff noel note with simple drawing on a piece of paper
Which side of the tennis court do you live on? Sent this to a client, indicating where i see her. She perceives herself on the other side.
Steve Jobs quote
Birds of a feather, flock together. If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re to reaching high enough.
Zoom on laptop photo.
Six of us. i’m on twice (top and bottom middle) because Zoom doesn’t offer grid view (pictured here) on iPhone’s screen. Logged in a second time on laptop to see who was on.

The key, if you want to build habits that last, is to join a group where the desired behavior is the normal behavior.

James Clear

The top photo – tennis court – is the key message here. Are you playing to not lose or are you playing to win?

We must decide how to interpret this.

And then act in a manner (the rest of our life) that gives us peace and contentment.

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Leading yourself?

Granite Park Chalet
To sleep here 15 days in a Summer of 90 days is absurdly over-focused. No electricity, no running water, no heat (nights in 40’s), no wifi, spotty cell signal, pit toilet.

Leading yourself?

If you’ve been habitually over-focused on your personal and professional development, you are not panicked right now.


Because the chaos the world is experiencing is normal for you.

You are always experiencing things that are uncertain, taking risks others could take, but never do.

You have already lived with deep fear and even deeper doubt. You’ve failed, learned, and improved. Over and over.

It’s part of your DNA – being comfortable being uncomfortable.

When you quit your job to start your business, you made do with limited resources, uncertain conditions and outcomes, as well as the psychological trauma of probably losing it all. Odds overwhelming do not favor startups.

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High altitude leadership

Swiftcurrent Glacier
Swiftcurrent Glacier view from Swiftcurrent Mountain.

High altitude leadership is the same as low altitude leadership.

  • Vision
  • Involvement
  • Accountability
  • Commitment

Never get bored with the basics.

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