Darwin Disney?

“It not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” .Charles Darwin

Keep moving forward.   — Walt Disney

Friday night my son and I watched “Meet the Robinsons” on The Disney Channel.  At the very end of the Disney movie is Walt Disney’s quote.

Do you know what Charles Darwin and Walt Disney are trying to say?

Motivation Is Like A Meal

Motivation is like a meal.  Seriously.  But we all forget.

Should an Annual Conference’s motivational effects last all year?

Should monthly meetings keep teams inspired all month?

Weekly meetings?  Will the excitement last all week?

Daily meetings?  All day?

After breakfast, most humans are ready to be nourished again at lunch. Even after two decent meals, most are ready for a third meal in the evening.

We even throw in snacks to help sustain us. Why?

Because motivation, inspiration and excitement begin to subside within hours, just like meals.

Do you have any idea what this means to you and me as effective leaders?

Seth Godin, BFF?

Seth Godin’s perspective on Leading.

It’s quite common for me to fantasize that Walt Disney and I are related because of the similarities in the way I believe our thinking aligns.

Come to find out there’s another “crazy man” out there that is growing on me.  Seth Godin.

It almost makes you want to snort milk out of your nose when you hear what some people think leadership is.

Carpe diem, jungle jeff noel 🙂

Jungle Cruise You Tube Funny

Jungle Cruise You Tube Funny.  Funny is as funny does, or something like that.

And now for something completely different.  A friend sent this to me, knowing how many times I delivered the Walt Disney Jungle Cruise Attraction spiel, back in 1982.

Here’s the You Tube video – If you’re ready to be amused, click here.

First there was Sunday’s unusually casual post, and now this?  What’s happening?

Walt Disney said, “Laughter is no enemy to learning.  We should use every gag and every prop at our disposal”.

Words to live by……words to live by……

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

Does Your Vision Do This?

Does your vision – personal, professional, or both – send a shiver down your spine when you think or talk about it?

What if it did?

What would it take?

As a professional speaker, a wise person once told me, “Jeff, if you look out at your audience, and they look bored, you’re boring them”.

To me, this means if I’m  bored with my thinking, and not motivated, excited or inspired enough, it’s my responsibility to take action.

There are many ways to figure this out.  It happened to me and I’m applying my best efforts to, as Gandhi said, “You must become the change you wish to see in the world”.

What about you?

Thank goodness it’s Monday.  Bring it on.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂