Work like you mean it: Four early “big ideas” that never took off

West Orange High School 9th grade center
He was less scared after seeing the campus.


Until you are out on your own as a solo entrepreneur, it’s easy to have a lifetime of delusional ideas about how business works. All the crazy ideas about spending money, priorities, brand building, marketing and sales – well, it’s all theory until you own it.

Dreaming is the easy part.

It’s almost pornographic how wild the business improvements or new ventures could go. All the “what if’s”.  So easy to go nuts.

Dreaming is the easy part.

Making stuff happen, nearly impossible.

Here are four early “bright ideas” that were like candles in the wind.

The coolest thing about mistakes is how much more meaningful – because of the real lessons learned – they are when you own the business.

Next Blog

We Are Not So Smart When We Know What Should Be Done, But Fail To Do It

Truly, we reap what we sow.

We aren’t so smart when we avoid doing what should be done. But we can learn to forgive ourselves. By midlife, we ought to be fairly well schooled on the power of forgiveness, right? What’s nearly unforgivable though, is our long term failure to learn from our mistakes. Make as many as you can, but learn. Always learn. Go.

Next Blog

To Teach Is To Learn

The Two, Why & How, Are Completely Different
The Two, Why & How, Are Completely Different


In teaching we actually learn a second time.

The second time we learn, not how, but why.

Why is the key to wisdom. Why is timeless, unchangeable law.

How is the flavor of the month, what’s popular now to get the job done. It changes like the wind.

It’s entirely possible, if you’re organized enough, that you can be a great teacher to anyone, but you do need to be organized, which is the theme at the Next Blog

Toughen Up Children

Are you on Facebook? One of my friends, blessed with a higher education and a serious career, just joined Facebook a few days ago. This morning, she had 8 Friends.

Not everyone is on Facebook. That is, not everyone over 30. Nearly everyone under 30 is.

This update came through last night and and I followed a comment link to 11 rules kids will not learn in school, but should.

We often hear adults complain about the younger generations, and that children need to toughen up.

Well guess who influenced these children?

Maybe we should be saying, “Toughen up adults. Lead the way, don’t get in the way.”

What do you think?

Think about it. I’m heading over to

PS. Rule #1 – Life is not fair.