Hands down the single best way to up your game

Columbus Learning Center Ivy Tech Campus
You do not have to be a professor to teach others. All you need is a teacher’s heart.


Want to up your game? Teach what you know to others. You may never be asked to or paid to, so initiate it. To teach is to learn twice. Nothing makes you smarter than teaching.

And nothing makes a teacher smarter still, than practicing what they preach. Most do not. This is where the remarkable teachers have the opportunity obligation to rise above all the others.

And to leave a legacy of having a teacher’s heart.

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So what does yesterday’s paradox mean to us today?

instinct is one thing, doing something well is another
the bird was not doing anything it wasn’t born to do
..and neither is the dog

It means whatever you want it to mean. Really. If you’re happy with yourself and your behaviors, you deserve a celebration. If you’re like me and on a slow and steady journey to polish the rough edges, it means there’s work to be done today. Oh, and let’s not forget to pat ourself on the back… for not quitting.

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